Takao Sake アイコンfa-calendar 画像 キャプション写真のキャプションが入ります。 説明文Takao Sake is fully handmade in it's entire making process, the quality of the sake is never been compromise, every single and last drop of the rice is being capture in the bottle for a prefect quality of sake to be serve on your table. The Takao sake is strong in alcohol but yet it is suitable & been favour by female because it has sweet fruity taste and it is smooth to drink. Takao Sake is also good to drink when you having a meat or fish dishes. The best way to enjoy Takao Sake is to freeze the alcohol under 5 degree before drink. SloganJapanese Sake Product thumbnail/files/user/ehime/thumb_sake.png « Ichiroku Taruto | Marugoto Mikan Jelly » List of 「製品の特徴」